Special price drop for Valentine's day Offer one Hippo to your Valentine 12 MATICs only​

Discover our


Wanna join our journey of creating a new comic ?

Join and sponsor us by minting our first two Hippo’s as NFT on the polygon blockchain.

They are available as “him”, “her” or “together”.


Tender and passionate

Hippotin loves nature and likes biking.
He met Valentine during high school.
He fell in love with her but never dared to show his feelings. At that time, he was very shy.


Overflowing with life

Valentine spent her teenage years in the countryside.
She likes to explore the world and spends time with friends.
She remembers Hippotin as a quiet and cute guy.

Discover them travelling around the world

Hippotin took his chance with Valentine and a lovely story has started. As he knows that Valentine likes to travel and visit countries, he asked her for a trip. Discover by minting where we spotted them.

Some examples

Hippo story

When passionate designers meet blockchain specialists, it opens new opportunities to our artist’s overflowing imagination.

Using blockchain technology helps us reach a wider public to discover our new Hippo world.

It will also give the opportunity to the community to participate at the comic book creation by proposing new characters and stories.

Help us creating this dream by minting our first lovely Hippo characters.

Why should you participate ?

Sponsor the first comic book

By minting a charming Hippo NFT, you help us gather enough money to start the first comic book. Every NFT owner at the publishing date will receive a link to download the first comic book for free. We start the first production once the first 2500 Hippo's have been minted.

Cooperate to the script

Take part by proposing some stories for our next comic book. Help us by voting what should be inside the next album.
All the announcements will be displayed on our twitter channel.

Create new characters

By minting our NFT's, you are a member of the Hippo family. Be the creator of our next hero and win a special gift from our designers. This contest will take place on our upcoming discord channel.


NFT stand for nonfungible token. Aside from being hot collectables, they can also provide extra benefits like exclusive access to certain websites and games.

Once the “Mint” button becomes available, you will be authorized to Mint one Hippo in exchange for 20 MATICs. You will need to install MetaMask and add it to your browser in order to do so.

We use Polygon blockchain because we want to keep gas fee as low as possible.

The easiest way to acquire MATIC is to use Binance.com

You can transfer your Matic from your Binance wallet to MATIC on your MetaMask wallet in one transaction, and vice versa. Make sure you only use the Polygon network, and not the token on Ethereum as it is much cheaper.

MetaMask is used as a wallet to keep all your crypto currency safe. It also allows you to store your NFT in a friendly and easy way.

If you use a mobile device, download the MetaMask app from your store. If you are on a computer, head to metamask.io and install their Chrome extension. Once you have done this, you will be able to create an account. Make sure you store your Recovery Phrase safely!

Network Information can be found here : https://Charming-Hippo.com/polygon Go to the section “Add the Polygon network manually”. Keep this opened for the next part as you will need this information regardless of which device you are using.

Mobile: Open MetaMask and head over to Settings > Networks > Add Network, and fill in the blanks with the information from the link above.

Desktop: Click on the MetaMask extension and click the network list located on the top of your screen. Click Add Network, and fill in the blanks with the information from the link above.

There will be 10,000 discoverable NFTs available as ERC-721 tokens on the Polygon blockchain. You can mint the couple or a single character (Hippotin or Valentine). We will create 5000 couples and 2500 Hippotin’s and Valentine’s. All created NFT’s are unique.

We make sure it’s as low as possible for each transaction. We monitor the blockchain to keep the gas amount at the correct level to avoid any problem.

GWEI is short for “GIGAWEI”, or 1,000,000,000 WEI.
WEI, as the smallest base unit of MATIC, is like what cents are to the dollar.

For example:
When the Gas price is 30 gwei, it equals to 0.000000030 MATIC.
If the Gas amount is 100, you will need to pay 100 * 0.0000030 = 0.000003 MATIC for the transaction.